About the blog

After positive sciences got divorced from philosophy, it ramified into distinct branches, as if there is not much of a connection in between. There was living and non-living, there was organic and inorganic, there was coarse-grained and fine-grained, there was chemical, physical, and biological. Now, we have the computational power, the intuition, the cumulative knowlegde, and more importantly, the courage to interpret natural phenomena in a more unified way.

What I aim to do in this blog is to read and write on the things that make me curious, without discretizing it into chemistry, physics, biology, or technology. If I get to influence any reader even at an infinitesimal degree, that would make me infinitely happy.
The description of nature that we have now is infinitely simpler than it was in the 19th century, when there were separate sciences like physics, chemistry and biology, which were not thought to have any real relation. I mean there were laws of chemistry, there were laws of physics; laws of physics were divided into laws of optics, mechanics, and electricity and magnetism. There have been a mild unification with the work of Maxwell, unified optics and electricity and magnetism. But now, so  many of these things are brought into a common framework. Nature has gotten more esoteric, more mathematical, more impersonal, still much simpler in the way we look at it and describe it.
-Steven Weinberg.